The management is headed by Mr. Anthony Chong who is a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants and fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK. He also holds a Master of Business Administration. Prior to joining the Company, he has held chief executive positions and directorships in several state-owned corporations and one of which is an insurance company, Progressive Insurance Berhad. He is an approved insurance agent under PIAM's Rules & Regulations to transact in general insurance business. He was also the Chairman of the East Malaysian Industrial Glue Manufacturing Association from 1997-1999.
The key personnel operating Leisure Avenue (MM2H) Sabah Sdn Bhd are:
1. Datuk Suzannah Liaw (Chairperson)
2. Mr. Anthony Chong (Managing Director)
3. Mr. Christopher Tham (Finance Manager)
4. Mr. Nicholas Chong (Manager)
5. Ms. Teo Hui Kin (Executive)
6. Ms. Amanda Gloria (Executive)

The MM2H Programme is basically a programme promoted by the Malaysian Government to allow people from all over the world to live or retire in Malaysia on a long term-basis. The MM2H Visa is a ten year social visit pass with renewable multiple entry visas. It is a progression from the 'Silver Haired Programme' which extends to foreigners below the age of fifty to apply.​ Our service is "one-stop" in that we provide all necessary assistance to our clients through (1) the pre-application process i.e. compilation of the requisite information and documents (2) the procedures to be followed upon receiving the Letter of Offer from the Immigration Department and (3) all other matters which our clients may require us to assist towards their settling in Sabah. We also facilitate our new clients to meet up with other MM2H participants who are happily settled in Sabah so that they can share their experiences. This is indeed the most fulfilling part of our job - to see our clients happily settled in their second home in Sabah. Along the way, we also get to meet some great people and make new friends.
The new Sabah MM2H programme comes under the preview of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment, Sabah (KEPKAS) and it is opened for applications. We have obtained our agency licence, SBHMM2H009 on 20th December, 2024. As always, we shall continue to render the best of our attention to help you with your Sabah MM2H application. Anyone above the age of thirty can apply.